Episode 95: Managing the Barstool Sports Podcast Network With Mikey Fowler

When Mikey Fowler got hired by Barstool in 2016 they only had 5 podcasts in their network and he was told to "scale it." 

4 years later and the media behemoth now has 60+ shows and is routinely in the top 5 most downloaded podcast networks in the world. Sooooo, you could say he scaled it...

Along the way, Mikey has had the chance to work with every major talent that has come through the Barstool doors and works directly with Erika Nardini and Dave Portnoy to identify and amplify the voices of the next big internet stars. 

We talked about everything from how he got hired at Barstool, to building out a team of "weird brains," to getting accused of stealing a hoodie on national radio.

Mikey is legitimately one of the smartest and most experienced people in the entire podcast / audio space, so it was a treat getting to talk with him. If you want to keep up with what he's doing you can follow along on Twitter at @mikeyfowler18 or Instagram @michaelfowler14


Episode 96: Watercolor Magic With Annie Yuen of Olive & Orange


Episode 94: The Teenage Twitter King With Elijas Scherer