Episode 94: The Teenage Twitter King With Elijas Scherer
At 17 years old, I was playing soccer every weekend, serving chicken fingers at a local restaurant, and hadn't even had my first kiss yet.
I knew nothing about the world and knew even less about the power of the internet.
Elijas Scherer is a man with wisdom well beyond his years.
Elijas is a 17-year-old German native and recent high school graduate who has built an incredibly powerful community with some of the greatest minds on the internet, all through the power of Twitter DMs.
Over the past 3 months he has sent thousands of DMs seeking knowledge, advice, inspiration, and collaboration. He has received it all back, and then some. Elijas's DM experiment taught him so much that he recently developed an online course called "DM Mastery," where he shares the techniques he has used to build an audience and make friends on the internet.
And the best part...? He's making REAL money selling this course. At 17-years-old!! Crazy.
If you want to follow along with Elijas you can check him out over on Twitter @IAmElijas and if you want to purchase the DM Mastery course you can find it at the link right here.