Episode 112: Painting With Bleach Featuring Devo Customs

You ever create a custom jacket for one of the biggest rappers in the world, but don't put your name on it so you get absolutely zero credit...?

Yeah, me neither.

But Nathan DeVaughn has. And he learned a valuable lesson that day.

Nathan was always an artistic kid growing up and a few years ago he started messing around with painting on jackets. One of his favorite rappers, Lil Yachty, put out a call to fans asking for them to send him their work. Nathan obliged and it wasn't long until Lil Yachty was rockin' the custom piece all over his social platforms. The only problem was that Nathan hadn't documented any of the process, so he had no proof it was his art.

Flash forward to today and his jackets are now worn by NFL and NBA stars. This time, however, he's documenting his whole process with DeVo Customs. Nathan takes commissions to paint portraits, landscapes, animals, you name it, on all sorts of wearables. The kicker is that he's running this whole operation while holding down a full-time job as a Product Manager at Adidas (casual) and being a dad of two.

In this episode we talked about everything from juggling all of those responsibilities, to exploring new mediums (like painting with bleach or digital art / NFTs), to how he markets his work. Nathan is INSANELY sharp and I have zero doubt by the end of 2022 he's going to be making a full-time living with his art. If you want to keep up with him you can check out devocustoms.com or follow along for commission openings on Instagram @devocustoms


Episode 113: Inventing the Tote Bag With Scrapped


Episode 111: Surf, Yoga, Beer With Mantas Zvinas